how do i set jumps without using the jump function

I’m trying to make a game where the player swipes in the direction they want to jump, because of this I wont be using the jump feature of character movement, but I still want to limit midair jumps. Ive tried using a collision box on the bottom of the character, but it will only detect overlaps on itself, not overlaps with platforms. Any ideas on how I can do this?

Hey @DripTheSeawing!

Try using a line trace! Have it shoot straight down for x units and check IsValid? (the gray one) on the hit object. Then use a boolean that will enable or disable jumping coming from the True/False of the IsValid? check! :slight_smile:

can you show me some pictures of how i would use this? I’m not the most knowledgeable at unreal’s blueprint block library.

never mind, I looked up some solutions and I found that there’s a function for “Is Landed?” and it detects when the player lands on the ground. thanks anyway

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