So I was using an old iOS provisioning profile until i needed to use one for distribution of my app, but can not find a way to set the correct one.
I have been struggling with this for the last few days. Thanks.
So I was using an old iOS provisioning profile until i needed to use one for distribution of my app, but can not find a way to set the correct one.
I have been struggling with this for the last few days. Thanks.
As of 4.7.x version of UE4 when you set the bundle identifier ue4 load correct provision.So you need to know which is bundle identifier for that provisioning profile and it will be loaded.
Thanks for replying.
So, I tried this, and the bundle id matches the profile I want but it still is using the same profile… The wrong one, and it does not match the new bundle id that I set.
Now what do I do?
Open xcode, go to preferences and delete provisioning files. Provisioning files are beign managed by xCode
how do i get to my profiles in Xcode? i looked under preferences and did not see anything.
hi, i found all my provision files. here is how to:
Thanks, so much for all your help and patience.
So went through the steps you provided and now the provisioning file is no longer in the engine. but now the provisioning file i want is not green, as seen here:
Do i need to set something to distribution, or shipping so that the engine can use this file?
yout bundle identifier is wrong (:
it is com.companyName.productName
so it should be: com.HappyPixelGames.SumoFallSkies and the provisioning file will turn green. If still expirience same problem import same Provsioning file again
How do I do this same thing but on a windows PC?