Hey! I am trying to create a dash function, but it does not look like I can send the string via the player input. Anyone know what I can do?
InputComponent->BindAction("Left", IE_DoubleClick, this, &AInstinctCharacter::Dodge("left"));
void AInstinctCharacter::Dodge(FString direction)
Thank you in advance!
We don’t currently support parameters to actions bound to input events. You would need to create a DodgeLeft, DodgeRight, etc. function and the implementation of those could call a shared common function with the parameter you wish to pass.
So something like
void AInstinctCharacter::DodgeLeft()
Also, and this is just some unsolicited general advice, don’t use strings for something like this, create an enumeration or something like. Using strings for non-text things is a great way to slow game code down.
Oh okay, thats some pretty great advice
Thank you! Will look into the ENumeration thing, was not aware that it actually slowed down the game by that much. It feels kinda inconvient that I have to make 4 functions for “Dodge”, a seperate one for each key (wsad). Would you have some advice on that too? It would be really appreciated!