How do I select everything in multiple closed folders in World Outliner?

Hi there.

I’ve been organizing assets into folders in world outliner.

I now have many folders and to open them all and select everything by shift clicking, while there are a few assets I don’t want to move, is very tedious.

Is there a way to just say “everything in this folder and it’s sub folders should be selected in the viewport”?

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Hey BaconMonkey,

You can do this by right-clicking on a folder and choosing > Select > All Descendants. You should also be able to do this to a parent folder and it will select all descendants in all child folders.


Let me know if this works for you.




FYI: for UE5, the OP is right. That feature is gone. The closest answer I could figure out for myself is to open the Outliner, select Expand All from the gear icon, select all assets, and copy/paste the select assets into a new level. Not ideal but it works for me.

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Select > All Descendants seem to work but I couldn’t set the keyboard shortcut with the setting in the preferences > general > keryboard shorcuts > Level editor > Select All Descendants.
Am I looking in the wrong place for this?