Hopefully someone answers I rarely get any luck here. But I’m stuck. I followed this tutorial on a save game system:
It was extremely helpful and works for everything in my levels like showing and destroying actors, integer variables in the character, etc.
Then I followed this tutorial on how to make the game mode override which player start to use when opening a level.:
This tutorial also worked great and was able to travel to a level, then go back to a new level and not have the player start at the very beginning.
Now the only problem is I’m having trouble combining them. They both work great during the same game instance. But once I close the game in editor, for some reason it won’t “remember” what play start to use and spawns me all the way back at the start of the level. Any tips? answers? or general advice in the right direction? will be greatly appreciated. Here’s some bp pics:
This is the main menu loading and creating game functions. Calls to game instance. See on create game how I set the name variable, which chooses which player start to use. I want that to always be “StartGame” when we create a game so we start at the first player start.
This is the loading the game function from my game instance called from main menu
This is the override function in my game mode. Chooses which player start to use based on if we find a matching tag that we set previously
Here’s a simple example of a collision box, once player walks into it. We set the new start “teleportation tag” so that we can spawn at player start further in the level.
Again, all works good if you don’t close the program, but for some reason it won’t save to the hard drive when everything else does.