How do I save Settings with Combobox?

Hello, I made a settings with combo boxes and I don’t know how to save those. As you can see I did this with every setting and made an apply button, but whenever I go back then again to settings the defaults are showing instead of selected option. How can I do that? Also maybe a bit more detailed explanation because I’m a begginer.

Just do the opposite on Event Construct / Event Pre Construct:

Or you can use [Switch on Int] and set values manually.

So it basically works except resolution. How do I make that work?

You can try this:
But in my experience it doesn’t always work. And you have to do it after populating the resolution combo box, obviously, maybe even after a short delay.

Can you send picture again? I can’t open it :frowning:

Hmm it doesn’t work for me. Well if you find any solutions let me know.