how do I rotate the character's camera boom?

I can grab the component and set or add rotation but nothing in the game changes. nothing else is setting this from blueprints.

any ideas?


yes! that was it. I just had to uncheck ‘inherit yaw’ for the behavior I wanted. thank you!

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Hi SirYakalot

Open the character’s components panel and click on the camera boom component in the components window, top left. In the details panel below it, under “camera Settings”, what does “UsePawnControlRotation” say? If its unchecked, try checking it. Under that there are 3 other camera settings- inherit pitch, inherit yaw, inherit roll. If those are unchecked, try checking those.


try setting/manipulating the relative rotation of boom. Set Rotation(absolute) and Set Relative Rotation are different.

Select CameraBoom component and uncheck “Use Pawn Control Rotation”

Thank you!!