How do I rotate my material on the opposite axis?

Hey all, you can see in my video below that I have my material rotating on the Z and Y axis. However, I would like my material to rotate on the Z and X axis. How can I achieve this? Thanks!

The custom rotator is using this material by default

hi, you can try this… made for another use but you can just use the rotation :slight_smile:

hmm by the looks of it it´s almost the same… hmm will diddle around a bit more :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Hey, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, using the BP you provided does not give me the outcome that I expected. It seems that your BP zooms in and out, and rotates at a 45 degree angle. See video below.

I’m looking for something that can rotate my image in the direction below. Essentially, because my mesh is not a complete 180 degree sphere (bottom is cut off), I need to rotate the image up from the centerpoint of the sphere to be able to see the content;

i will fiddle around tomorrow to find a solution for the rotations… i would need that too :smiley:
ya the other one is for sprite rotation and zooming, there it works really well but on a 3d sphere it is not that good…

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Thanks, I still haven’t been able to figure it out. Did you have any luck over the weekend?

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no sorry… have so much work i did not come to it but i will try it hopefully in an hour …
be back soon

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Hey, were you ever able to figure this out? I had no luck and stopped pursuing it.

Hi BStoneArch,

If this for rotating a cubemap? If so check out this post: