How do I retrieve all the actors in a screen space rectangle?

Hello, I’m trying to implement a marquee selection interface and I was wondering how I might go about retrieving all the units in my world that overlap a rectangle defined in screen space coordinates? Would UWorld->SweepMulti work for this? The comment for this method mentions that it sweeps a sphere against the world, but then the function accepts an FCollisionShape, so I’m not sure if I can actually define a rectangle in screen space that gets swept against the scene or not. Would this be the ideal way to perform a task like this?


#My Code for You

I did this in my game! and I have a gift for you!

Here’s most of my entire code for you!

#Video Proof of Code

struct FVRect

FVector2D Min;

FVector2D Max;

FVRect(const FVector2D& VPoint1, const FVector2D& VPoint2)
	//drag topleft to bottom right
	if(VPoint1.X < VPoint2.X &&
		VPoint1.Y < VPoint2.Y
		Min 	= VPoint1;
		Max 	= VPoint2;
	//drag from bottom right to top left
	else if(VPoint1.X > VPoint2.X &&
		VPoint1.Y > VPoint2.Y
		Min 	= VPoint2;
		Max 	= VPoint1;
	//drag from bottom left to top right
	else if(VPoint1.X < VPoint2.X &&
		VPoint1.Y > VPoint2.Y
		Min 	= FVector2D(VPoint1.X, VPoint2.Y);
		Max 	= FVector2D(VPoint2.X, VPoint1.Y);
	//drag from top right to bottom left
	else if(VPoint1.X > VPoint2.X &&
		VPoint2.Y > VPoint1.Y
		Min 	= FVector2D(VPoint2.X, VPoint1.Y);
		Max 	= FVector2D(VPoint1.X, VPoint2.Y);
		Min 	= VPoint2;
		Max 	= VPoint1;

	Min = FVector2D(0,0);
	Max = FVector2D(500,500);


   //MarqueeAnchor is the first click location in HUD space
  //mouse location is current position in HUD space

//update this every tick
    RainbowMarquee = FVRect(RainbowMarqueeAnchor,MouseLocation );

//process the below every tick
    void AVictoryHUD::ProcessMarqueeSelect()
    	//~~~ Reset ~~~
	//~~~ Get Projected Actor Locations ! ~~~
	//Joy SMAS
	for ( TObjectIterator<AStaticMeshActor> Itr; Itr; ++Itr )
		if(!UVictoryCore::VIsValid(*Itr)) continue;
		//Projected Location
		ProjectedRMLocations.Add(		Canvas->Project(Itr->GetActorLocation())		);
		//Projected Actor
	//~~~ Check Actor Locations Inside Marquee ~~~
   for(int32 RMItr = 0; RMItr < ProjectedRMLocations.Num(); RMItr++)
		EachRMLocation = &ProjectedRMLocations[RMItr];
		//check cursor in bounds
		if (RainbowMarquee.Min.X <= EachRMLocation->X && EachRMLocation->X <= RainbowMarquee.Max.X &&
			RainbowMarquee.Min.Y <= EachRMLocation->Y && EachRMLocation->Y <= RainbowMarquee.Max.Y )
			//If Alt is down, remove, if shift is down, add
			else VictoryPC->AddToVSelection(ProjectedRMActors[RMItr],false); //do NOT do undo transform!!!
			//add one set of undo transform on LMB release if was dragging, if need to
		else if ( ! VictoryPC->SHIFTDown()) VictoryPC->RemoveFromVSelection(ProjectedRMActors[RMItr]);


I turned this into a pull request for Epic

Cool! Thanks for this

Hi Morganjdavidson. Did this take care of the issue you were having? If so, please click the check mark to indicate the answer is correct, or confirm that it was correct in a comment and I will take care of that for you.

Have a great day!

Could have sworn I marked it as accepted… oh well. It’s marked now. Thanks.