I’m very new to UE4 so to help learn the toolset I’m working on a personal project to focus my learning.
One of the blueprint features I want is the ability to play/pause/resume video playback within the level based on entering/exiting a trigger volume. The desired functionality is: on overlap trigger volume = start playback, on end overlap trigger volume = pause playback, on overlap same trigger volume again = resume video from pause point.
So far I can start the video playing on entering the trigger volume and the video will pause correctly upon exiting the volume, that was all pretty straightforward. But re-entering the same trigger volume will cause the video to play from the beginning again rather than contine from the moment it was paused. Can anyone suggest a method for achieving this?
Can you show me the blueprint node? Does it have an option to expand the node and does it have a bool option for something like “Start from beginning?”
I’ve managed to get it working, after a fashion. It’s hacky though and still doesn’t give me the control I was looking for even if it does give the effect I was after. I’ve attached the blueprint below. If you can suggest a better way to do it I’m all ears!
It basically starts the video on EventBeginPlay, the player spawns slightly above the floor then falls “out” of TriggerBox2, instantly pausing the video. After that, entering & exiting the original TriggerBox will correctly pause and resume the video playback as intended. (though the audio is a tad glitchy when resuming - not sure if that’s due to the triggering method I’m using or a quirk of the system itself).
Hoping that by writing a comment here someone will re-view this issue with the new Media Framework. Pre 4.13 a simple ‘set rate to 1.0’ upon entering and then ‘set rate to 0’ upon exit worked.