How do I restore a save?

I know this has been asked several times, but I have questions on how this really works.

Basically, I imported an animation from Mixamo wrong, and the SK_Mannequin skeleton for UE5 isn’t working anymore. I can still move and do my inputs, but the actual animation isn’t playing. I’m being told that some bones got deleted or messed up.

Now, here’s where I’m confused. I don’t know how to restore the mannequin when I opened up my project this morning. I just need to restore everything that I saved from last night. I tried to go to the autosaves, but I don’t really see anything there. I usually manually save before it can do any autosves but now I’m just confused. I saw the SK_Mannequin in the saved folder and I didn’t change that at all, so I figured that I could use it at any point, so I tried to reimport it, but it said that it can’t cause it’s a uasset.

I’m confused on how to restore an entire project (because I did some other stupid things) that I manually saved before closing.

Hey @amanchella! I’ll try to help you with this!

You can try restoring your project from Autosaves or Backups by going to your project folder and navigating to YourProject/Saved/Backup or YourProject/Saved/Autosave, then look for .uasset files related to your mannequin or animations, copy those files, and place them into your Content folder to replace the broken ones.

Hope this helps!