In a Galiga based game when player dies ship blows up and after 1.5 seconds you respawn. I’ve been using spawn actor from class and just using players BP…But controller doesn’t operate him? When I spawn a new player BP how can I give player control of it?
I read this. It explained a couple things to me so thank you…but I still really don
t understand How to “unposess” a pawn and “reposess” another. I use blueprints for everything. Is there a node for hits I just don’t see?
SO When My character dies I have another BP spawn. I drag a wire from that do a Get Controller, then Posses…That goes into target…thereo is also an input called InPawn…I have my playerpawn plugged into that…And it still docent work…I don’t see where I should use unpossess…Am I doing something wrong?
You are just spawning an empty pawn. Give these a read:
What you need to do is unposses your current pawn and posses newly spawned pawn.
Just drag a link from a controller in blueprints and you should get both posses and unposses nodes. 2nd link I sent you has a full tutorial on this for both blueprints and c++
Search in Library on right and you should see them.
Hey AttemptD,
Try something like this:
Here I have a function inside MyCharacter Blueprint that first unpossesses current pawn, spawns a new pawn, then possesses it with specified Player Controller.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
This is perfect!! Thank you!
Possess automatically Unpossesses whatever it is already possessing first.
You shouldn’t have to explicitly Unpossess.