So basically the problem is that when the player dies, I get these Accessed None Errors, which are caused by player still being within a giant On End Overlap triggerbox when the player death happens. I’m guessing UE4 doesn’t like it when I’m in an On End Overlap triggerbox and then suddenly died and respawned.
So what this giant On End Overlap triggerbox in my level blueprint actually does is it basically makes the player teleport to the startpoint of the level when he/she falls to the abyss or goes out-of-bounds of my level.
This is how I setup how the player dies from getting a projectile thrown at him/her, within the character blueprint:
So is there a way to stop getting these errors besides splitting my On End Overlap triggerbox into 6 On Overlap triggerboxes? Or perhaps is there a way to make an inverse triggerbox, so that I don’t need to use an On End Overlap triggerbox?