How do I remove the 60fps Frame Rate Limit in 4.23.1?

After downloading 4.23.1 and experiencing frame rate issues with my game, I created a clean project from the Blank template, and noticed that it too was capped at 60fps in both the editor and the exported game.

I’ve tried executing t.MaxFPS 90 to increase the maximum frame rate, but stat fps still reports 60fps.

I’ve also tried using Fixed Frame Rate at 90 and using Smooth Frame Rate with minimum and maximum values of 90 in Project Settings with no luck.

Performing these same steps in 4.22.3 results in a rock solid 90fps.

Is this a bug or is there some new method of removing this limit?

Using t.MaxFPS works for me using 4.23.1… Not sure whats going on with your set up but you can try and make sure you have VSYNC forced off in graphics drivers and such?

Just noticed you said 4.22.3 works… I’m not sure whats going on…

Thank you for your answer. My monitor is 60Hz and it looks like 4.23.1 is limiting the frame rate to the refresh rate of the monitor when previously it was not.

I guess This is fine for non-VR games, but since I’m working on a VR project, the engine was throttling my VR game at 60fps because of the refresh rate of my monitor (not my headset).

I solved the issue by plugging in a monitor with a higher refresh rate, but I believe this is a bug for VR users. It shouldn’t be a requirement for people running VR games to have a 120Hz monitor in order to view a VR game at above 60fps.

It looks like 4.23.1 limits the frame rate to the refresh rate of the monitor. Problem is, it does this for VR games too.

For example, if I run a packaged VR game in a window on a 60Hz display, the game will be forced to display at 60fps in the Oculus headset.

My laptop has a 120hz panel and when I set max FPS to 200, it climbs up to 170 FPS. Running 4.23.1

Odd, I’m now able to get the editor to increase the frame rate beyond the monitor refresh rate, but I’m not sure what changed to enable this.

But the frame rate of a newly created game using the VR template in 4.23.1 is still capped to the refresh rate of the monitor that the mirror window is running on. This happens with a 60Hz monitor and an Oculus Rift headset when the game has been packaged and run on Windows.

Ya know what I realised yesterday? If you are not Playing on PIE when you do t.fpsmax, it will only “apply” to when you are not playing in PIE. If you start playing, then do t.foxmax 120, the FPS should change. Try that and see if you get the same results?

Things are working okay in the editor for me now. The problem is when I package a VR game, even a new one based on the VR template, the frame rate in my Oculus Rift is capped to the refresh rate of the monitor that is mirroring the VR game.

This means that I can’t hit 90fps in VR if the game is being mirrored on a 60Hz monitor, even if run t.fpsmax 90.