How do I remove focus from a button in my blueprint widget? "IsFocusable" doesn't seem to work correctly.

How do I remove focus from a button in my blueprint widget? “IsFocusable” doesn’t seem to work correctly. I need to remove focus from the button when I’m not using a gamepad but rather a mouse and keyboard. The focus still remains even if you deactivate this “IsFocusable” within the widget.

You could try the Set Focus to Game Viewport function

Thank you very much, it worked like charm. Can you tell me if “IsFocusable” is really buggy or if I was using it the wrong way? As far as I know, this node is for adding/unfocusing a widget. That’s exactly what I was doing.

Using “Set focus to game viewport” this unlocks a new problem which is that I have to double click to select when I’m not using the gamepad. Any ideas what it could be?

Nevermind, I fixed it. I just changed from “On clicked” to “On released” on the button that selected things in my inventory icon and of course… I used your “Set focus to game viewport”. Thank you very much for your help, friend! good developments for you!

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