This seems like such a basic question that I’m somewhat ashamed to ask, but how do I simply delete an input in the blueprint editor?
In the attached screenshot, I want to remove Yield. I swear there used to be a delete button near the arrows or where the New button is, but it’s no longer here. I’m on 4.14.
There should be a X next to the variable that you can just click.
If you cant remove it, then simply copy the event and paste it in a text editor. Search for the name of the parameter and remove that text block. It should look like this:
CustomProperties Pin (PinId=7412B9FA46D37FF48198D8B0014E5206,PinName="DELETETHIS",Direction="EGPD_Output",PinType.PinCategory="bool",PinType.PinSubCategoryObject=None,PinType.PinSubCategoryMemberReference=(),PinType.bIsArray=False,PinType.bIsReference=False,PinType.bIsConst=False,PinType.bIsWeakPointer=False,PersistentGuid=00000000000000000000000000000000,bHidden=False,bNotConnectable=False,bDefaultValueIsReadOnly=False,bDefaultValueIsIgnored=False,bAdvancedView=False,)
CustomProperties UserDefinedPin Name="DELETETHIS" IsArray=0 IsReference=0 PinDir="EGPD_Output" Category=bool
expand window you will see the “x”
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