I have the debugger plugin enabled in the project settings and I have both AI Debug and Gameplay debugger enabled in the show settings for the view-port. When I click simulate some basic information comes up and when I possess the player everything goes away but the path following stuff. I really would like to be-able the see whats in the blackboard of the NPCs while I’m in game but this seems to be missing now. Also seeing the bounds of their perception was also very useful.
Well, It started working. I literally changed nothing. It boggles the mind.
Figured it out. If you select simulate then go to possess the player it wont show anything! You have to select play in selected viewport to see anything. Also they disabled the blackboard stuff from appearing when in simulation
GameplayDebuggerModule.RegisterCategory("BehaviorTree", IGameplayDebugger::FOnGetCategory::CreateStatic(&FGameplayDebuggerCategory_BehaviorTree::MakeInstance), EGameplayDebuggerCategoryState::EnabledInGame, 2);