How do I receive sharp textures with multiple images?

Hello Guys!
I’ve been using Reality Capture for over two years and now I struck on to something that I can’t wrap my head around. When I texture my model with 132 Images the details seems to be blurred out, even though they are visible in the raw photos. When I instead try to only texture with one single image the details is visible on the textured area. I understand that this sounds like the images has aligned poorly but I would be very surprised if thats the case.

This is a picture of the leather with all the cameras active:

This is the same area of the shoe with only one camera active in texturing:

What can the reason behind this be?

Hi Joakim Tennfors,
this could be related to more things.
As you wrote, it could be related to the alignment, image’s quality, if there are some blurred images in your dataset, distance to the object, texturing settings.
So, what were your texture settings? Do you have some blurred images in your dataset? Are all images aligned correctly? Do you have cameras with different distances to the captured object?