How do i put a second input on a Paragon character?

I am still learning unreal… and i understand how to put animations in a state machine that makes a character appear to be doing an attack… however i am blown away with the way paragons are set up… I see notifies for saving attacks and allowing the combo ability… my question really is i just wanna make an addition button like pressing 1 and it does a different animation… and simply putting an input on the char BP does not work at all… If anyone can point me in a direction of a tutorial or tell me what im doing wrong that be awesome… Like what is preventing the Input Action … when i place it in the CharBP?

Is input itself not working or the animations are not playing?

If input itself isn’t working, make sure you set the input to player 0 for your character.


You can put break points in blueprints by selecting node and pressing f9. In character bp, in input action set a break point and see if input is working or not. you can also add print statements to see if input action is working.

If input is working but animation isn’t playing then, how are you playing animation?
Are you using animation montage or setting a boolean in character blueprint and playing animation in state machine?

If you are using montage, make sure your montage is in correct slot.

if you are using state machine, then make sure that state is reachable. You can debug state machines real time by running the game, open the animation blueprint and select your character for debugging


You can see the flow of control