How do i put 2 Arrays together for line trace ignore?

I want to ignore the actors out of two arrays. How do i put them together for the nod?


yea you think there would be a node that does this, but looks like you’ll have to do a foreachloop on one array and call add on the other for each element.

thats pretty complicated since i dont want any of the arrays to change but to create a third one. thanks for the answer. :slight_smile:

You can use the node “contains” from array.

what do you mean ? i want actors to be ignored in the line trace function but the line trace just has one nod for one actor array. but i got 2 arrays i want to be ignored.

edit : sorry i misunderstood your question, you’ll have to create an array with the two you have and use it to connect to ignore input.

Hi MajekPL,

Try using a select node, additionally, you can append an array to an array if this would work more efficiently for you:


Note: I have not tried using a select node in this way, so I cannot guarantee it will work, I plan on testing this more on my end when I have some free time.


Don’t know if it’s the best way but this is how I do it :

  • Create the variable “ActorsToIgnore” (type : array of actors).
  • Add everything you want to ignore inside.