How Do I Protect My HTML5 Game On A Website?

As some of you know, in order to have an HTML5 game on a website, you must host the game files or use a third-party host like Netlify.

I took the Netlify approach, but does anyone know how to protect the game? Anyone can inspect the game’s webpage and see the Netlify URL and then simply post the URL in one’s own iframe.

I’m a Wix guy, so I can’t host. Wix offers no such solution. But Wix does have some pretty amazing subscription programs that allows users to purchase time on specific pages, which is great for HTML5 games.

But, again, how do you protect the URL for the game?


I know this is a bit off-topic and certainly badly categorized. Mods, feel free to move this to another, better category if one is available.

Other than that, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

What are you “protecting” here? Do you also protect your web pictures?

The simplest solution: Just put your name in the actual game screens. Even if someone embeds your game in some other iframe, your name will show up inside the game.

If you absolutely need to control which page refers to your game, then you need to use a web host that lets you inspect the Referer header and reject bad referrers.
However, someone can also connect to your website with curl and scrape all the files, and then upload them to some other website anyway.
And if you ship a game on a disc or download, someone can copy those.

So … what do you really need to protect, and why? If you need people to pay you money to play the game, you need to implement some kind of online login, which verifies the payment, and put that login into the game itself, like most MMOs and other online games do.

Why does Steam protect their games?

I found a solution.

Hi! Could you share the solution you found? I’m in the EXACT same boat and have been trying to figure this out. I used Netlify to create a URL for my HTML5 game and then embed that URL on my Wix site behind a subscription page.