How do I properly Build a Level in Lyra

How can I build levels in Lyra? Every time I try to Build L_Expanse it fails and give me 500 warnings telling me. Even a fresh Lyra project fails to build the level

(Some Asset) More overridden materials (4) on static mesh component than are referenced (1) in source mesh ‘(Some Mesh)’

This warning is referencing every single B_Tool_AdvancedWindow, and many other assets as well. I believe it’s warning me of every asset that can swap between Generated Mesh and Static Mesh. Every mesh in my level is currently a Static Mesh.

When I open L_Expanse almost every asset is Unloaded. I’m able to load them all from the World Partition window. I’ve tried to Build the Level with every asset Unloaded and loaded. There seems to be no information on this online which is odd because a fresh Lyra project will fail to build L_Expanse.

I might try to install a different version of Visual Studio 2022. I’m currently using version 17.8.6

The Lyra project is a multifaceted endeavor with several plugins, each of which has its own configuration file for customization. In the case of the ShoterMaps Plugin, when you click on Initial State and Edit Plugin, you’ll notice that at the end, two dependencies are injected. This means that the plugin can only receive files from these two dependencies. This works similar to C++ includes, where necessary files are imported for use. Therefore, if assets within your level are located in another plugin, they won’t be recognized within the context of the ShoterMaps Plugin.

Thank you for the response. I’m facing an issue where the _BuiltData file is missing because I cloned this project from another. I’m trying to build the L_Expanse level, but it’s not creating a _BuiltData file. So, when I try to package the project for release, it fails because it can’t find L_Expanse.

I recently included the _BuiltData in my GitHub repository and re-cloned the project. But I’m still curious why selecting Build > Build All Levels wasn’t generating the _BuiltData.

After adding the _BuiltData file, I can now Build All Levels with new actors, package the game, and the final game includes these actors. Despite receiving 500 warnings, everything looks okay. Still, I’m concerned about possible future problems.

I’ve verified that my ShooterMaps plugin includes the dependencies you identified. Are you suggesting that the warning comes from using assets not included in the ShooterMap plugin’s dependencies? If so, why would Lyra be shipped this way, and/or how was the map managed during its development phase?

I’ll explain how to replicate this error. Let’s say you create a new plugin named “Test Assets,” and in its content, you add 8 simple StaticMeshes created in Blender. If you open the level L_Expanse located in the ShoterMaps plugin and add the meshes to the level, they will be able to be placed. However, when you try to save or compile the shaders, many errors will appear in your LOG. To stop these errors from appearing, you must add your new plugin “Test Assets” as a dependency in the array shown in the previous image.

This is not specific logic of the Lyra Project but rather a standard behavior of Unreal Engine itself. In a large project like Lyra, this functionality is very useful when working on games with different types of inventories or characters with completely different gameplay. For example, in a game like League of Legends with over 150 characters, you could have a Chinese developer working on Jinx and a Canadian developer working on Atrox, and they wouldn’t even need to communicate directly. This plugin system is very useful for large projects, although it can be confusing in simpler projects.

I started a new Lyra project and built L_Expanse without making any changes, yet the warnings are still there. I checked many of the assets that were flagged, and their materials are from the LyraExampleContent plugin, which is apart of ShooterMaps dependencies. Since it’s not causing any visible problems, I’ve decided not to worry about it for now.

I just set up this computer for UE5 development with the latest versions of Visual Studio and Unreal Engine. So, if you’re not getting these warnings while using Lyra’s Geometry tools, it might be because of the new software I’m using.

I’ve tested different SDKs and build tools in Visual Studio, but the warnings persisted regardless. Here’s the setup I’ve ended up with, in case it’s relevant:

UE 5.3.2 - VS 2022 17.8.6
Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0)
MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest) → idk the exact numbers but it seems like the version before this was (v14.38-17.8) for future reference.

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I ve got same problem with same file. Couldn’t even start new unreal project but i managed finally
i went deep in VS all option to install
i install all MSCV i found that are not related to ARM
think it started to work now