Hi all,
I’ve been writing a C++ library that interfaces with a C-like API for some physical hardware. We first implemented it as a Plugin, and then upon discovering this issue, switched to a Game Module, however the issue persists.
The issue is that something is creating an instance of the class (which we derive from UObject and FTickableGameObject), so when BeginDestroy is being called, it gets called twice - once on the one we created via our Game Instance, and once on this ghost copy which is being created by… something. - This is an issue because if you try to disconnect from the hardware when it’s already been disconnected, it’ll throw an error and leave us in a bad state.
Inside the BeginDestroy function we have the following snippet of code:
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“Destroying CompuTrainer %s on Port %d”), *GetOuter()->GetFullName(), Port);
If we make our own instance via the Game Instance (and Construct Object), it prints twice. The outer of one is the Game Instance, and the outer of other is:
[2016.01.30-05.23.08:757][227]LogTemp: Destroying CompuTrainer Package None on Port 0
So the issue here is that: Something is creating an instance of our UCompuTrainer (UObject derived) class automatically. We do not want it to be created automatically.
I went as far as moving the module into a brand new UE4 project, modifying the .uproject to add the Module, and running an empty scene. This prints out one entry into the log, indicating that the Game Module is automatically creating an instance.
The .uproject is as follows:
"FileVersion": 3,
"EngineAssociation": "4.10",
"Category": "",
"Description": "",
"Modules": [
"Name": "CTTest",
"Type": "Runtime",
"LoadingPhase": "Default"
"Name": "CompuTrainerModule",
"Type": "Runtime",
"LoadingPhase": "Default"
The Build.cs for the Module is linked right here.
The actual IModuleInterface implementation is effectively empty (Startup/Shutdown Module simply UE Log something).
The source for the UObject derived class is linked here
What on earth is creating this instance? It’s really driving me up the wall here!