I was curious if there is a way to preload or buffer all of the sound/vo/music that will be needed to play in any given “scene”, before the scene is loaded. I am running into problems where sounds aren’t actually playing, or the CPU is chugging when audiocue’s are called in game, and I believe it’s because sounds aren’t actually loaded until they are actually called.
Hello i would like to question it again, but now for 4.10.
Is it possible to preload / cache audio in any way?
I use a small randomnized sampleplayer and i found all the answers on AH about that, but no help so far.
I used even a second ingame asset to play all the audiofiles at runtime, to be sure they are loaded, before the sampleplayer-asset loads / play the same cues/wav.
It would be so easy with a modified delay node or something in a blueprint, so far i could think about it.
Any suggestions, i heard even with fmod in ue4 it’s the same?
When cues are delayed they work clean, but it’s very complicated and i loose some of the procedural feeling.
Example: 8 secs. samples played with 8 / 16 / 24 secs. delay connect clean, but when i have to setup samplegroups with that, i would have to recreate every possible option and delay it in groups, to make it happen relative procedural.
For 150 samples that’s massive amount of nodes, only to fake-fix latency.
I am no longer sure if its an UE problem or with some of my fresh audiofiles.
Tested with other standard samples and they work well, with a latency that is completely ok.
Only difference i could see about my own audio is.
They seem to be 35% bigger then the standardstuff, with same playlength and positional audio works not with them.