There is no node to play force feedback effect or spawn one or interact with such an asset in blueprint. There is a client play force feedback (if I turn off the context sensitive menu) which does not work ( i am guessing this does not work as there is no server hosting my game?). My game is not networked and does not require a server and client. It is single player only. How do I go about using force feedback effects through blueprints? Correct me if I am wrong, the force feedback stuff is the rumble functionality present in the xbox and playstation controllers yes?
Got the same problem here; did you find anything?
nope nothing so far
been a while, any way?
Remember that you have to get your local player controller and call it on that. If you were attempting to call Client Play Force Feedback without assigning its target, it wouldn’t work.
I’m using the example below in a test level’s level blueprint and it’s working correctly.