How do I play a different animation depending on the gun I'm holding?

Let’s say I have a rifle, and a pistol in my game, and they each have different animations for every state (shooting, idle, etc…). How do I play the pistol shooting animation when holding the pistol, and the rifle one when holding the rifle? I need an easy way, so it will be easy to add guns in the future. Do you have any idea? Thanks!

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Hey @NatiBatatty!

There are a few methods you could possibly use, however, here is an non-Epic affiliated example that references data and sets all of those animations appropriately when it check what weapon you have:

Hopefully the above contains the solution you need!

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Also if you would like an example i would recommend checking out the Lyra starter game in the UE marketplace… Its a free template and it can help you learn a lot about weapons ect.