How do I place objects randomly on a face in unreal engine, similar to instance on faces in blender geometry nodes?

I was wondering if you can place objects randomly on selected faces similar to geometry node in blender called instance on face.

In Unreal Engine, you can use the “Random Point In Bounding Box” node to get a random location within a bounding box. To place objects on a face, you can first get the bounding box of the face, and then use the “Random Point In Bounding Box” node to get a random location within that bounding box.

Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Create a blueprint or actor for the object you want to place on the face.
  2. In the blueprint or actor, add a new function called “Place On Face” (or any other name you prefer).
  3. In the “Place On Face” function, use the “Get Attached Actors” node to get the parent object.
  4. Use the “Get Bounds” node to get the bounds of the face you want to place the object on. You can get the face bounds using the “Get Static Mesh Component” node, and then the “Get Local Bounds” node.
  5. Use the “Random Point In Bounding Box” node to get a random location within the face bounds.
  6. Use the “Set World Location” node to set the location of the object to the random location you got from the “Random Point In Bounding Box” node.
  7. Call the “Place On Face” function from the parent object to place the object on the face.

This process will place the objects randomly on the face within the bounds of the face. You can adjust the bounds to control the placement area and the frequency of the placement.

Is there any node tree example you can point me to? I need something like this:

you want to generate new trees everytime you enter a level or you want to generate trees one time on a level as starting point and start to work with it?