How do i pause the game without the player controller being paused?

I want to make a pause screen and have the TAB key toggle it on and off.

in the player controller blueprint i have the TAB key branch off depending on the Menu Open state. When opening the menu i pause the game but this pauses the controller as well so that pressing it again doesnt exit out of the menu.

What is the proper way to implement this type of functionality?

There is a Set Game Paused function you can use in the PlayerController, along with Set ‘Show Mouse Cursor’ and Set ‘Enable Click Events’. When paused you can still do cursor driven hitbox events in the HUD class.

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IS it possible to allow regular input while paused? surely there’s a way to allow controller axis events and such to control menus, no?


There’s a checkbox to enable/disable input while paused for an input inside the Details panel when you click on a node.



I don’t have this “Execute when Paused” feature, just “Auto Receive Input”. Can you explain why that is?

It was because I hadn’t selected the correct node. Once I selected the keyboard key node that I was using, I saw the correct menu.

Hopefully this helps someone else trying to use the built in controller/keyboard functionality and pausing the game. As i spent 2 hours trying to figure this out and kept ending up on this post.

If you set your hud to SetTickableWhenPaused then you will be able to navigate menu buttons using built in functionality, as long as they have focus. I just set this on my game mode class.

Here is a link to the docs:

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I stumbled across this thread when implementing keyboard input for an options menu while the game is paused. What did the trick for me was to set “Execute when Paused” directly at the node of the button input.


That`s it!!!