So, I just finished making my iOS app, and now I need to make a .pak file of it so that I can put it on the App Store, but whenever I pack it to a folder I made, I just get a new folder called “iOS” and no .pak file. Also In the packaging settings, I marked it as only supporting iOS for one try, and supporting everything for another try.
How do I fix this, or do it properly? Any help is aprieceated, thanks!
Hi masterburgler,
You’re trying to package the ipa as individual files instead of all in the .pak file, or the opposite of that? If it’s the former, you can go into the Project-Packaging settings in the editor and make sure the Use Pak File option is checked. This will put all files into the single .pak as opposed to individual.

If you want the opposite, uncheck it. In the 4.8 release, it is Use Pak File is enabled by default.
I have the same problem as masterburgler and my packaging settings look exactly the same as you’ve posted here. I am trying to package everything into one .pak file.
All I get is a new folder called IOS that is completely empty.