I’ve recently started wanting to add to the charactermovementcomponent so I subclassed that and character to make my own, all is working OK but now that I need to make the TickComponent calculate something that goes right by the CheckJumpInput I’m not sure of the best way to get it there.
Before this I was using blueprints, so I’m early into learning how Unreal 4 deals with these things.
Here is the function I want to override. If you scroll down you’ll see the line that I marked with a bold underline. My code needs to go above/under there:
void UCharacterMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
const FVector InputVector = ConsumeInputVector();
if (!HasValidData() || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))
Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);
// See if we fell out of the world.
const bool bIsSimulatingPhysics = UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics();
if (CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_Authority)
if (!bCheatFlying || bIsSimulatingPhysics)
if (!CharacterOwner->CheckStillInWorld())
// We don't update if simulating physics (eg ragdolls).
if (bIsSimulatingPhysics)
if (AvoidanceLockTimer > 0.0f)
AvoidanceLockTimer -= DeltaTime;
if (CharacterOwner->Role > ROLE_SimulatedProxy)
// If we are a client we might have received an update from the server.
const bool bIsClient = (GetNetMode() == NM_Client && CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_AutonomousProxy);
if (bIsClient)
// Allow root motion to move characters that have no controller.
if( CharacterOwner->IsLocallyControlled() || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && bRunPhysicsWithNoController) || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion()) )
// We need to check the jump state before adjusting input acceleration, to minimize latency
// and to make sure acceleration respects our potentially new falling state.
** CharacterOwner->CheckJumpInput(DeltaTime);**
// apply input to acceleration
Acceleration = ScaleInputAcceleration(ConstrainInputAcceleration(InputVector));
AnalogInputModifier = ComputeAnalogInputModifier();
if (CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_Authority)
else if (bIsClient)
ReplicateMoveToServer(DeltaTime, Acceleration);
else if (CharacterOwner->GetRemoteRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy)
// Server ticking for remote client.
// Between net updates from the client we need to update position if based on another object,
// otherwise the object will move on intermediate frames and we won't follow it.
else if (CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy)
if (bEnablePhysicsInteraction)
if (CurrentFloor.HitResult.IsValidBlockingHit())
// Apply downwards force when walking on top of physics objects
if (UPrimitiveComponent* BaseComp = CurrentFloor.HitResult.GetComponent())
if (StandingDownwardForceScale != 0.f && BaseComp->IsAnySimulatingPhysics())
const float GravZ = GetGravityZ();
const FVector ForceLocation = CurrentFloor.HitResult.ImpactPoint;
BaseComp->AddForceAtLocation(FVector(0.f, 0.f, GravZ * Mass * StandingDownwardForceScale), ForceLocation, CurrentFloor.HitResult.BoneName);
So my dilemma is that’s all I need to do. I don’t want to override the entire function, just insert a snippet of code under that line. What’s the most practical way to do this?