How do i open a level?

Hi, i downloaded the “A boy and his kite” demo that is 24 gig. I created a project and opened it. First thing that comes up when i open it is a toturial screen that tells me to open " GoldenPath/GDC_Landscape_01_umap". So i found it and open it, i got to a blank white world with a small river in the middle of the air.

I dont know what do to becouse i am new to this. Can anyone tell me what to do? :slight_smile: I am very sure thats its very simple, i just cant figure it out.

It is very simple, open the map ‘‘Maps’’ > ‘‘Golden Path’’ map > Open level ‘‘GDC_Landscape_01’’. In that level open window > Levels. From there load in every map you want to see. The last map down the row is where your camera is spawned in the editor, it is called ‘‘Starting_shot’’

If everything is loaded your whole view is one huge landscape with every asset of the demo loaded…