How do i move a skeletal mesh based on the UE4 Skeleton to the UE5 Skeleton

Hi everybody,

Maybe this is so obvious that nobody answered it anywhere but i simply cannot find an answer to my problem.
I have a skeletal mesh of for example a jacket but it is based on the UE4 skeleton.
Can anyone help me with how i can now move this to the UE5 skeleton without wrecking my animations completely due to the missing bones etc.?
My current issue is that they appear stunted, i assume due to the fact that spine 4 and 5 do not exist in the UE4 but i am unsure how i can fix it properly and wihtouth loosing the morph targets which are on the UE4 assets.
Is this not necessary because of some process or feature i am not aware of or am i missing something else here?

Thank you very much

Hey @Holyfrog848!

Try this! It should do you some good! :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: This link is not associated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners.

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Hi @Mind-Brain ,

That does indeed look like a good solution yes, thank you!
In the meantime the creator released UE5 versions so i wont be needing it for this use case but probably at some point in the future for another.

Kind Regards