How do I "mass reset" properties of multiple components on multiple actors


I have a C++ Actor-based class that has a few static meshes, each of which with locations and rotations relative to a root scene component.
An early version of this class was used as a base for a blueprint, in which I assigned materials and such, before placing a few hundred of them down in my level.

A couple of days later I’ve refactored the C++ base into slightly more fine-grained classes and am now trying to update all the instances already placed in the world. Reparenting them was easy enough, but I now have an issue where every single static mesh on every single instance now no longer has a default transform - the little about-turn arrow button is on all of them. This is good because they need to be reset to the new defaults (current behaviour is bad), but this is bad because there are hundreds of instances and I can’t see an easy way to “mass reset” all of their static mesh components to their new defaults.
If I just naively select everything in the outliner and hit reset, everything gets sent to {0, 0, 0} in world, which I don’t want.

In short, is there a way to automatically “click” the reset-to-default button on every static mesh on every instance?

I figured it out, though I feel like there might be a better method.

I filtered the outliner by name, selected all the instances, right click → Edit Components in the Property Matrix → Static Mesh Component
Then for each static mesh, select multiple and hit the reset-to-default for rotation and location.

Selecting every single one at once seems to reset them all to the same default. So for example if I have a StaticMeshN, StaticMeshE, StaticMeshS, StaticMeshW on each instance and select all of them and hit reset, everything will get set to the same value, which may not be default for that one.
For example, if I select ten of each of N/E/S/W and hit reset to default on the N, everything gets the N default value, with the “reset to default” button still showing on the E/S/W components. Instead, I just selected all the N and reset, then selected all the E and reset, then S, then W.

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