How do I make widget text disappear


The following blueprint is designed so that a character walks into a box, which triggers a load of new level, which works, the widget text also appears but only for less than 1 full second.

From ‘Create 1-2 Widget’ something isn’t right and it’s not enforcing a 2 second delay on the widget UI text before it fades / is removed.

Put the last 4 nodes in the new level. On Begin Play.

I’m not sure specifically where to put them in the new level


In the level blueprint. See if that works for you.

It works but it begins as soon as Level 1 starts, not when Level 2 is loaded, the blueprint is called ‘NextLevel_1-2’ but because its a blueprint it doesn’t have any context of being in a certain level before running that Event BeginPlay

It works but it begins as soon as Level 1 starts

What do you mean?

  • if you have 2 levels:


  • each gets a lvl blueprint:



Are you creating the 2nd widget in the lvl1 instead of lvl2?

When I right click Level001 it doesn’t give me the option to open a blueprint

Left click it twice to load the level. Make sure you save lvl 1 first, ofc.

I have the level loaded but there is nowhere to open up a level specific blueprint

The yellow bit:


More info:

Perfecto! thank you my friend, I sincerely appreciate you helping me and being here.

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