How do I Make total points open door?

I have a level where I set many static meshes up. If you touch each mesh it gives you 10 points. How do I make it to where if the total reaches 100, then display a message and open a door? This is the flow I have, not sure if it will help.

Notice the print message is only a debug message. Here is a nice door tutorial https://wiki.unrealengine/Blueprint_Automated_Door_Tutorial For counting points, try

Set MyPoints + Get MyPoints +1

I already got the points added I just need to know how to set it to when I get to a certain total then print something to the screen or open door

Just add an event tick in your blueprint + connect it with a branch node + connect a “=” and the point variable to it -> at true you can add the action (e.g print the text, set a bool variable from a bp to true so that the door opens,…) :slight_smile:

Better yet, since a Tick can be expensive if used too much and isn’t useful for something like this.

Inside your point giving function, do a check for if your total points is equal to or more than 100.

GivePoints() -> HaveEnoughPoints? -> If Yes -> Open Door().