I wanted to do something similar to this wheel camera on Sea of thieves.
move normally
What’s considered normal in this scenario, a pawn-attached camera?
rotate with my rudder
Roll? Some kind of sway? Direction offset?
Could you timestamp a YT vid?
Finterp to?
Most likely, but the end goal is unclear (at least to a non-pirate )
Thanks for the quick reply!
A little background:
I have my player pawn, actor ship and actor ship wheel (Rudder) inside of my Ship actor, and I want to be able to, let’s say, lock the player’s camera so that the ship can move, but at the same time be able to turn the camera, just like in Sea of ​​Thieves. I recorded a video in Sea to give you an idea:
Could it be just this:
It, kind of, depends on the camera setup, though.
Have the Pawn unfollow Control Rotation
, but you can still rotate the Camera.
Well, thank you very much for the answer, but using your method doesn’t make much difference because I already have a free camera. I want to lock the camera and still be able to move it while I’m using the ship. But I found a way with “Add camera rotation”, but the camera roll is bad. I need to lock the roll and let only the Yaw and Pitch act. That way, I would have a mix of free camera when I’m not using the ship and when I am using it, similar to the initial idea with other refinements. Is there a way to force the player’s camera to only work as a crosshair, ignoring camera roll?
Btw, i thinking… There’s a way to rotate the camera to match the incline and turn the camera itself based off the input of the mouse instead of using the default input functions like AddControllerYawInput or Axis as i just said, which is deeply nested in the engine’s files?
Solved. I used the same axis input but I had the idea of ​​instead of using the camera’s yaw, which already had a modified pitch, I changed the yaw to be handled by the spring arm, so we have a perfect camera while following the ship or car, whatever vehicle it may be. And of course, you can make a clamp if you want so the camera doesn’t turn upside down.
Remember that if you want to use a camera lag in the pitch as well, just duplicate the current spring arm. Set it as a child of the current spring arm and set the camera component as a child of this new spring arm, which is the child of the first spring arm. That’s it, you’ll have smooth rotation too. Be happy with your movement in the Sea of ​​Thieves, Far Cry cars style!
1- Disable “Use pawn control rotation” in your vehicle pawn spring arm.
2- Disable “Use controller rotation yaw” in your vehicle pawn “self” components tab.
3- Use the code I provided that uses Pitch for camera and Yaw for spring arm: