How do i make rootmotion work (what variables to make etc...) and how would I use this for my locomtion?

the title sums it up. Bassicly in new to ue5 and game dev in general. I have a basic understanding of how things work. My question is moer foucsed on how to setup a rootmotion systems and what variables should i create for the system?

Hi there,
Root motion is a technique in which the translation and rotation are baked into the animation file resulting in a more precise movement. It is more used for animation montages, such as jumps, rolls, climbs, dashes and attacks. For locomotion, it was technically replaced by other methods, such as Root Motion extraction to curves and Motion Matching/ Distance Matching.

A few resources for you:
Should You Use Root Motion? - YouTube

Ue4 - Root motion controller / RnD test - YouTube

Two playlists:

Distance Matching


Hey @BabyJAYISDEAD! Welcome to the community! LFA already posted 90% of what I was going to besides this welcome and the documentation link for root motion in UE5. This will help if before (or after) any of the tutorials you want a greater grasp on what’s being talked about while you’re learning. Happy Creating!