How do i make prop movers not move the player

Im trying to make a deathrun and in that deathrun i want to move some kind of platform without moving the player on top of it. so like the player cant stay on it for a long time and has to jump on anothrt platform.

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I guess you could just another fake platform that is tiny bit smaller than this one and that has no collisions and when you want to slide the platform, you hide the main one and move the fake one

Not sure what you’re trying to do though

ok so lets for example say i want to move a floor like a flying platform that moves back and fourth. now normally when a player is on the moving floor the player moves with the floor but what im trying to do is the player can stand on the platform and not move while the platform moves

ah so you don’t want the platform to move then lol, either do a technique with 2 platforms inside each other or use a panning material instead :person_shrugging:

no i want to do the opposite i want the platform to move but not the player and if the player wants to move they have to do it themeselves

add a barrier on top of your platform then move the platform :person_shrugging:

can you move barriers?

yes with verse or by parenting the barrier to a prop that’s moving, not sure how collisions would behave though

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