Like in this video
How do i make my own buildings with custom interiors randomly? Im working on a vr project too I’ve been lacking my own building models and being able to walk in them relying on free assets rn. Im not good at blender rn… Also how would i go about replicating a randomizer for the floor levels and how to have a layout for the floorplan aswell as randomize that floorplan…
This isn’t a very detailed answer, but will perhaps point you in the right direction. If you haven’t, you should reach out to the person who created the video and ask for a breakdown on how they did it. In Unreal Engine, you would typically leverage PCG to generate points with rules that later determine placements of cluster of assets like chairs and tables.
In my experience, creating such a system is quite difficult, requires clever thinking and maths. Best of luck!
Thank you i wish to unlock modeling for my project as in building buildings and interiors
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