Hey guys, I’m a newbie with this stuff so I’m sorry if my question sounds dumb.
Basically, I tought it would be interesting to learn this engine by doing things, so I went on and followed this (A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums) tutorial from Epic about how to pick up and move around physical objects. While I was sucessful, I found out that if you grab and pull objects from under you they basically become spaceships and are able to take you into the skies D:
So any idea on how to restrict the player from picking up the physical objects directly under their feet?
My idea was to heavily restrict the pickup distance and disable pickup objects on crouch, but that feels a bit annoying and doesn’t always work. Or increase the mass so that very big objects won’t be able to be grabbed.
So anyone know how this can be resolved? Thanks a lot.
If you were too use that object too beat another player, the “damage instigator” would be the player who grabbed it.
Might work:
When you grab an object set him as that objects instigator.
Then set “ignore actor when moving” (the instigator should be the target actor too ignore)
(Not yet used/tested the node “ignore actor when moving”)
I can already set the grabbed object to ignore the player but it is annoying when they will undoubtably pass through each other. Maybe it’s a way to stop the object from getting close to the player… setting up a custom distance as a condition… I’ll think about it, thanks for taking the time to answer