I have some particles I made that go towards the player and disappear when they get to him, is there a way to also make them apply damage to the player (in blueprints) also screenshots are really helpful:pray:
The easiest way is to have an actor with the particle and a collision box or sphere around the particle. You could probably dynamically set the size of the collision box but in my effects I just manually resize them.
If you haven’t done so already:
Create a BP that stores the particle with a collision box and a damage event. you can either create children per particle or feed the data when spawning the actor
When you spawn the particle, in my case fire, apply damage to the actors in the collision sphere
If you apply damage on tick, you can change the intervals so that it’s not every frame but every x amount of seconds
This is how I spawn the BP with pins exposed
Set the life span on construction script so we can easily bind Event Destroyed and do anything on that event like destroy the particle
If you want pins available from the SpawnActor node, you need to make the variable instance editable and expose on spawn like so. If you don’t see them on the SpawnActor node then compile and then right click and refresh.
If it’s a particle component you could try on component overlap, not sure if that would work but worth a try
In my case I have alot of particles (1 particle spawning each second) that guides itself onto the target and then disappears or disappears after 5s, how much actors do I need to make in that case?
I tried and it didn’t work, did I do something wrong?
thanks for the idea anyways
edit - also tried with print string and it doesn’t work ):
Check to see if you can set collision setting for the component/particle system, or setup a parent collision box around the particle system that’s how I run mine
Not sure exactly how your damage system functions, but maybe you need to plug something in to the inputs on the damage function, I know for mind without a damage causer input it won’t work as it reads off both actors ability systems
Do you know where I can do that?
If your need is to only spawn a particle and deal damage and you have any unique functions per particle then you could just use the 1 actor class and expose a pin like this. If you do require unique actions per particle then you will need separate actor classes per particle
If you are doing hit events you need to check this option
In your actor that is to be damaged are you also using this node?
Yes, I have a damage system
my particles are connected to an actor, so I cant choose them alone
also where is the pin that you sent? I cant find it
You have to create a variable on the actor you are spawning and select these options
If using Niagara you have to use spawn system at location, that node only works for the old particle system
Not sure what you’re trying to do there, no need to spawn the actor inside itself.
Can you clarify when you want to spawn the particle?
Is it part of some attack? like throw a fire bomb or something and it damages the Boss?
Should the particle spawn when the boss spawns or only when attacked?
Do you have a weapon class for your weapons or are you attacking from the player character?
sorry for taking time I had to go to a zoom, basically I want it to spawn a homing missile from the boss every 3 seconds, I already did that by making the niagara system emit a particle with a trail every 3 seconds and for it to go towards the player, but the only thing thats missing now is the damage.
Also forgive me if im doing anything stupid in the blueprints, im new to this xD
ok, can you show me how you are spawning it every 3 seconds?
Spawn rate is set as 1/3(0.333333) and the niagara system is a component in the “Boss” Actor, also I tried to do a sphere trace on the niagara system component and it spawned the cube where I placed the particles to spawn at, not at the actual particles