Hello everyone! I made enemies follow and shoot me once they see me, the problem is the new enemies (Spawn) only follow me, THEY DON’T SHOOT…I have been trying different tutorials and all of them say that you have to tick this option in your Enemy Character (this will keep the same AIController if they’re spawned or placed in map)
When i start the game, there are five enemies (2 placed in map and 3 spawned) and this is what i see
Only the 2 that I put in the map dragging with the mouse keep the AIControllerClass that i made for shooting and following, once i kill these 2, the AIControllerClass dissapears with them and when i close the game this is what it shows
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetBlackboard_ReturnValue”. Blueprint: EnemigoCON Function: Execute Ubergraph Enemigo CON Graph: EventGraph Node: Set Value as Object
When i click on the error to see where it comes from, it takes me to this specific part of the AIController Blueprint
And that’s it, i’m really sorry for the long post but i still can’t figure out how the F%&* can i make the exact same copy for spawned enemies. If you can help me you will become a very attractive person, cheers!