How do I make my Wave Asset Seekable?

MetaSounds Wave player tells me to do this for Realtime Decoding if I want to use a Start Time. Start time is not working without it and starts from the beginning regardless of value it seems, Where is this Seekable setting for the Wave Asset? Thanks.

In the 4.27 docs it shows the bool for a Wave being seekable, but for 5.0, the only thing I could find was the Python docs which show it but suggest it is deprecated in 5.0.

It’s not very obvious but it’s to do with the UE5 compression format, edit the waveform and choose ADPCM as the “Sound Asset Compression” and that’ll make it seekable. This compression is quite low quality so I presume they’ll make wav files seekable in the future.

eagletree, I saw that page but clicked off it. If I had read on, I would have seen what night_on_mars said about using ADPCM.

Thanks for the help everybody.

@eagletree indeed, where all just stealing from sound Yoda Dan Reynolds :wink: