I am trying to make my UI visible in the game but I’m not sure why it isn’t. I have created it as an asset and modified it in the editor, then saved it only to see it is not visible. I have been trying for a few minutes now to make it visible but can’t seem to do it. I also looked on the Internet and found one person that seemed to have the same problem as me but their solution did not work.
Basically, how do I make the UI I made in the editor visible in the game?
In your PlayerController class you want to create a CreateWidget (NewWidget?) node. Give it the class of the UI you made. The node has an out pin that contains your new UI object. Drag the wire out and call the AddToViewport node. This is the method that adds the widget to the viewport.
Optionally you can drag a bSetCursorVisible node and InputModeUI/InputModeGameAndUI/InputModeGame (dont remember the exact names) nodes out to set which elements have focus - the viewport, the UI, or both.
FINALLY. Thank you so much!