I have platforms that move around In my game,and my main character is a pawn.And every time my platform moves my pawn just stays still till it falls.
Why is your main character not of Character class in the first place? Second, I have no problems moving any of my characters onto any platform and have my character move along with that platform. Can you show a video of what’s going on with screenshot of your platform BPs?
I’m not using a Character class.I’m using a pawn class,and in that pawn class I’m using a FloatingPawnMovement.and I added a gravity system.And I also made a moving platform but my pawn doesn’t stick to it and I got no clue how to make my character moves with it.
After not receiving help at all.I had to tackle this one out alone. So i did.
The solution was to attach my pawn to the component that is under it(got the component from a a line trace each tick).I also put a branch after the line trace checking if the character stand on top of the object,Using the engines collision options “ECB(Can Character step on Boolean)”.
I have the same issue with the chaos vehicle (it is actually a default behaviour of it, maybe its a bug, maybe its just not yet finished) and I have no idea how to solve this issue, can you share a blueprint maybe of how you’ve solved it?