chase down the player, slap them when the npc gets close enough. that’s all i want.
the same behavior that fortnite fiends, zombies from black ops and virtually any melee enemy ever follow.
i’ve been trying my best to learn verse, going through epic’s courses and watching tutorial series and such, but i still just can’t quite grasp it well enough to know how to do this. i’d really, really appreciate any help.
it’s very frustrating that epic has made the documentation so vague, and completely eliminated the node based blueprint coding alternative when uefn is supposed to make game development easier for people uneducated in game development.
the prefabs, materials, props, weapons, vehicles, player system, publishing platform, backend and more are obviously enormous work and time savers, but are all made useless to me when i can’t even spawn a basic enemy other than the very small number of (in my opinion uninteresting) enemies. what’s the point of an open world survival game with no enemies?
i was able to figure out how to do this in mere minutes in unreal 5. i got my custom mesh and animations working perfectly, was able to tune every aspect of the enemy ai like detection range and angle of vision and enemy speed etc, and i had absolutely no prior game development experience. however in uefn i haven’t been able to figure out how to even make the npc chase the player for weeks, not to mention melee them, cause damage, use custom animations and all of those other elements of the npc.