I am very Awfully Hard Working on my Game.But This Walk Problem Has Stopped me.i was using a Tutorial for it but it led to A point where it tells to add Calculate Direction Node to Cast as Character/Third Person Character Node.
But It cant Happen it tells that Anim Instence reference cant be connected/added to Character/thirdPersonCharacter Reference Please Help. If you have a Tutorial You can send in answer
If you are using blueprints, here is the code to make the character move (It is showing those warnings because I have not yet setup the axis mappings) :
For setting up the axis mapping go to edit and project settings. Under engine go to input and click on the plus button in the axis mappings(Make sure that you have set up the scale properly ie: for keyboard input if you are gonna use the W,A,S,D keys set the scale of S and A to -1.0.) :
If you are having problems setting up the animation blueprints:
You can follow this tutorial for setting up the animations and all:
[Click Here][4]
I guess the tutorial you were following is a old one you can do this: