How do I make my character slow down?

The character to get on top of the truck slows down as seen in the video, I need that when I climb on top of the truck the speed does not affect the character, I tried to multiply the MaxWalkSpeed of the Player movement but it did not work, any ideas?

PD: I use InterpTo Movement to move the truck

Hello! Can you provide nodes that are used?

Yes, of course, there I attach the nodes that I use, I could temporarily solve it by putting a “mechanical tape” in a box collider, above the truck

There are a few neat tutorial examples at: How to set player speed in Unreal Engine - YouTube and Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints - Increasing Character movement speed while moving - YouTube, you can use Finterp to node to smoothly transitioning from initial speed to the target speed.

Hello! It was the first thing I tried but it did not work, no matter how much I modified the Max Walk Speed, the character kept “locking”.
I need it not to affect the character, it assigns a physical material so that it does not have friction and I could not solve it either

Wait for a moment, is this track going in the opposite side to the player?

Yes, it goes to the opposite side of the player, that’s why this happens

How about apply speed of vehicle (multi by -1) to the player base speed?
Easy and simple.

Something like that? I tried it and it didn’t work, I did something wrong I think