How do I make my C++ events bindable in Blueprint?

I have a component that I pop onto any actor that I want the player to be able to interact with, and give it a delegate that anything else can bind itself to:

DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(UInteractive, FInteractionEvent, AActor*);

FInteractionEvent InteractedWith;

void UInteractive::Interaction(AActor* callback) {

It’s pretty straightforward, but I have been having a heck of a time exposing it in BP- I want to set it up so that I can bind any BP functions to execute when InteractedWith broadcasts, but I can’t find any references to the event in the component’s node; is there some kind of macro I need to be using in my definition?

I’m not sure exactly which one you need, but I’m pretty sure you’ll need one of the macros that expose your C++ to Unreal.

Start on this documentation page “Unreal Architecture”](Programming with CPP in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation)


Somewhere in there is what you need to expose your code to Blueprints.

I’m pretty sure you can just use the ‘bind’ node.