I have this sphere collision that when overlapping, sends a message to the “AI controller”
the objective of overlapping is this, a sphere collision that determines the distance of my point light, which has a tag: “damage light”
the event in the AI controller determines if the component has the tag, then sets the values of the decorator and the values of the task to be executed in the behavior tree
and this is the branch, i put it as top priority so that it stops the other tasks
and this is the task:
I try to implement the same method that was used in this tutorial:
there are times when it seems to work fine but then it breaks and it seems as if it doesn’t detect overlapping anymore, it’s buggy, if there’s a better method I’d like to know
In short, that’s my problem, I don’t know if I’m making it too complicated
If necessary, I will try to prepare the project files to pass